Saturday, August 17, 2019

Time for exercise

*Does It Matter (to Your Heart or Otherwise) What Time of Day You Exercise?* Depending on your exercise goals, there may be specific benefits to working out at a particular time of day.

Exercising in the morning may be associated with lower blood pressure, better sleep and greater weight loss, due to improved fat burning and appetite suppression. Studies also suggest that people tend to be more consistent with morning exercise, due to fewer distractions that are likely to interrupt their routines later in the day.

On the other hand, afternoon or evening exercise is associated with peaks in body temperature and flexibility and appears to be better at improving aerobic performance and strength.

But for most of us who want to exercise for general health effects, the best time is the time that works best and allows you to perform it regularly.

The American Heart Association recommends a minimum of 150 minutes of moderate-intensity, or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity aerobic exercise, a week in divided sessions. Adding resistance training three times a week can further benefit you.

Many variables contribute to a successful exercise program, including time of day, location, type of activity and social setting. However, consistency is the most important variable and is most strongly linked to achieving positive results.

If you’re a morning person, then a morning workout is likely best. If you’re a night owl, exercising later in the day may be a perfect way to unwind and release stress. For most of us, it is probably best to avoid exercising just before bedtime, since it may interfere with your ability to go to sleep.

_In short, the best time to exercise is when you have the most energy and motivation to do it. Regardless of why you exercise, pick the time that works best for you and stick with it._

Women Men Heart Attack risks

*Women or Men — Who Has a Higher Risk of Heart Attack?*
How gender is involved in coronary artery disease (CAD) ?

A woman’s heart may look just like a man’s, but there are significant differences.

For example, a woman’s heart is usually smaller, as are some of its interior chambers. The walls that divide some of these chambers are thinner. And while a woman’s heart pumps faster than a man’s, it ejects about 10 percent less blood with each squeeze.

When a woman is stressed, her pulse rate rises, and her heart pumps more blood. When a man is stressed, the arteries of his heart constrict, raising his blood pressure.

*Why do these differences matter?* They matter because gender plays a role in the symptoms, treatments and outcomes of heart disease.

*1.* *Women have risk factors men don’t have.*
Certain diseases that only affect women increase the risk of coronary artery disease, the leading cause of heart attack. These include endometriosis, polycystic ovary disease, diabetes and high blood pressure that develop during pregnancy. Endometriosis has been found to raise the risk of developing heart disease by 400 percent in women under age 40.

Women also share traditional risk factors with men: high blood pressure, high blood sugar levels, high cholesterol levels, smoking and obesity. Like men, women can be impacted by a family history of heart disease, particularly when a father or brother was diagnosed with heart disease before age 55, or a mother or sister was diagnosed before age 65.

*2.* *Women are generally older when they have their first heart attack.*
Men are at risk for heart attack much earlier in life than women. Estrogen offers women some protection from heart disease until after menopause, when estrogen levels drop.

*3* . *The symptoms of heart attack can be different in women.*
Chest pain (also described as a crushing weight on the chest) is the most common symptom of heart attack in men. Some women also experience chest pain, but they are more likely to have different symptoms. _Unlike the dramatic, chest-clutching pain seen in the movies, more common in men,  women often experience subtler symptoms  three or four weeks before a heart attack._ *Women, watch for these symptoms, which is different from men* 👇

. *New or dramatic fatigue :* for example, a simple activity like making the bed makes you feel unusually tired. You aren’t exerting yourself, but you feel deeply fatigued or have a “heavy” chest. You may feel very tired, but can’t sleep well. Or you are suddenly worn out after your normal exercise routine.
. *Shortness of breath or sweating :* Watch for this especially when either symptom occurs without exertion and when either symptom is accompanied by a symptom such a chest pain or fatigue. Look for either symptom worsening over time after exertion. Other signs are shortness of breath that worsens when lying down and is relieved when you sit up.
. *Pain in the neck, back or jaw :* This is especially of note when there is no specific muscle or joint that aches or when the discomfort worsens when you are exerting yourself and stops when you stop. This pain can be in either arm, whereas it’s usually the left arm in men. Also, watch for pain that starts in the chest and spreads to the back, pain that occurs suddenly and may wake you up at night and pain in the lower left side of the jaw.

*4* *A heart attack is harder on a woman than a man.*
Women don’t tend to do as well as men after a heart attack. They often require a longer hospital stay, and they are more likely to die before leaving the hospital.

This may be due to the fact that women who suffer a heart attack have more untreated risk factors, such as diabetes or high blood pressure. *Mostly, it’s because they put their families first and don’t take care of themselves.*

Seven Wonders of the world

*The Seven Wonders of the World*
by Author Unknown

Junior high school students  were studying the Seven Wonders of the World. At the end of the lesson, the students were asked to list what they considered to be the Seven Wonders of the World. Though there was some disagreement, the following received the most votes:
1. Egypt's Great Pyramids
2. The Taj Mahal in India
3. The Grand Canyon in Arizona
4. The Panama Canal
5. The Empire State Building
6. St. Peter's Basilica
7. China's Great Wall

While gathering the votes, the teacher noted that one student, a quiet girl, hadn't turned in her paper yet. So she asked the girl if she was having trouble with her list. The quiet girl replied, "Yes, a little. I couldn't quite make up my mind because there were so many." The teacher said, "Well, tell us what you have, and maybe we can help."

The girl hesitated, then read, "I think the Seven Wonders of the World are:

1. to touch...
2. to taste...
3. to see...
4. to hear... (She hesitated a little, and then added...)
5. to feel...
6. to laugh...
7. and to love.

The room was so quiet, you could have heard a pin drop.

*May this story serve as a gentle reminder to all of us that the things we overlook as simple and ordinary are often the most wonderful - and we don't have to travel anywhere special to experience them.*

Healthy Heart

*5 Things to Do Every Day to Keep Your Heart Healthy other than 5 things you know i.e less stress, good diet, physical exercise, stop smoking & regular heart health check in case of strong family history*

*1.Eat healthy fats, NOT trans fats :* We need fats in our diet, including saturated and polyunsaturated and unsaturated fats. One fat we don’t need is trans fat, which is known to increase your risk of developing heart disease or having a stroke over a lifetime. This is because trans fat clogs your arteries by raising your bad cholesterol levels (LDL) and lowering your good cholesterol levels (HDL). By cutting them from your diet, you improve the blood flow throughout your body. So, what are trans fats? They are industry-produced fats often used in packaged baked goods, snack foods, margarines and fried fast foods to add flavor and texture. *TIP:* Read the labels on all foods. Trans fat appears on the ingredients list as partially hydrogenated oils. Look for 0 percent trans fat. Make it a point to avoid eating foods with trans fat.
*2. Practice good dental hygiene, especially flossing your teeth daily :* Dental health is a good indication of overall health, including your heart, because those who have periodontal (gum) disease often have the same risk factors for heart disease. Studies continue on this issue, but many have shown that bacteria in the mouth involved in the development of gum disease can move into the bloodstream and cause an elevation in C-reactive protein, a marker for inflammation in the blood vessels. These changes may in turn, increase your risk of heart disease and stroke. *TIP:* Floss and brush your teeth daily to ward off gum disease. It’s more than cavities you may have to deal with if you are fighting gum disease.
*3. Get enough sleep :* Sleep is an essential part of keeping your heart healthy. If you don’t sleep enough, you may be at a higher risk for cardiovascular disease no matter your age or other health habits. One study looking at 3,000 adults over the age of 45 found that those who slept fewer than six hours per night were about twice as likely to have a stroke or heart attack as people who slept six to eight hours per night. Researchers believe sleeping too little causes disruptions in underlying health conditions and biological processes, including blood pressure and inflammation. *TIP:* Make sleep a priority. Get 7 to 8 hours of sleep most nights. If you have sleep apnea, you should be treated as this condition is linked to heart disease and arrhythmias.
*4. Don’t sit for too long at one time :* In recent years, research has suggested that staying seated for long periods of time is bad for your health no matter how much exercise you do. This is bad news for the many people who sit at sedentary jobs all day. When looking at the combined results of several observational studies that included nearly 800,000 people, researchers found that in those who sat the most, there was an associated 147 percent increase in cardiovascular events and a 90 percent increase in death caused by these events. *TIP:* Experts say it’s important to move throughout the day. Park farther away from the office, take a few shorter walks throughout the day and/or use a standing work station so you can move up and down. And remember to exercise on most days.
*5. Avoid secondhand smoke like the plague :* Studies show that the risk of developing heart disease is about 25 to 30 percent higher for people who are exposed to secondhand smoke at home or work.  Nonsmokers who have high blood pressure or high blood cholesterol have an even greater risk of developing heart disease when they’re exposed to secondhand smoke. This is because the chemicals emitted from cigarette smoke promote the development of plaque buildup in the arteries. *TIP:* Be firm with smokers that you do not want to be around environmental smoke — and keep children away from secondhand smoke.
_Follow these five tips and you’ll be doing your heart a favor. You’ll feel better and be able to stay active with a heart-healthy lifestyle._

Prostrate care

*Men: You Should Never Ignore These 2 Symptoms*
Self exams, regular checkups are critical

*1. Changes and pain in your testicles*
Testes cancer, or testicular cancer, occurs mainly in men between the ages of 15-35, but it can also develop in children and older men. The most common symptoms are pain, swelling, hardness or a lump in the testicle. You can detect all of these signs with a self-exam.

If you do notice any of these changes in either of your testicles, see your primary care doctor for an evaluation.

*2. Blood in your urine*
As a sign by itself, blood in the urine (hematuria) is usually associated with other non-cancerous conditions such as an enlarged prostate or a kidney or bladder stone. However, this is also one of the signs of both kidney cancer or bladder cancer. It’s important to talk to your doctor if you ever see blood in your urine.

If needed, tests for these cancers will include the following:

If you notice changes in your testicles, an ultrasound of the testicles is the first step; depending on the results, your doctor may order additional tests and treatments.
For blood in the urine, a urine culture and cytology (test to analyze contents of urine), CT urogram (imaging exam for urinary tract) and cystoscopy (visual exam of bladder) are typical tests.

*A word about Prostate cancer :*  The most common type of cancer in men — most cases are asymptomatic, meaning there are no symptoms.

Instead, it is usually diagnosed with a prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test. This is a simple blood test to determine the levels of PSA, a protein produced by the prostate gland.

Must do your first PSA test at age 50, and the results will determine how often you need to get tested in the future. If it is at or below average, then you should have another PSA in five years. If it’s above the average, it is recommend to get a PSA test done  every two years.

7 Signs of Cancer

*Don’t Ignore These 7 Potential Cancer Symptoms*

One of the tricky things about detecting and diagnosing some early-stage cancers is that, oftentimes, they don’t actually cause any symptoms, and if they do, they’re symptoms that are also commonly associated with a number of other causes and conditions.

This is one reason why it’s important for people to establish a primary care doctor that they visit annually, A doctor who knows your history and has a running record of your health can help determine whether changes to your body warrant testing or a visit to a specialist.

While all of the symptoms below could very well be benign or unrelated to cancer, they should definitely be brought to the attention of your doctor.

*1. A lump under your skin :* It’s often impossible to tell a benign cyst from a malignant tumor just by looking at it, so have any lumps on the breast, neck or genital areas checked out.
*2. A wart or mole that changes in appearance:* Lesions that are asymmetric or changing in shape, color or size should be looked at by a doctor.
*3.A significant change in bathroom habits :* This includes more frequent urination or always feeling like you have to go, or changes in your bowel habits (diarrhea or constipation) as well as blood in the stool or urine.
*4. Difficulty swallowing :* Cancers of the mouth, throat or esophagus can cause this symptom.
*5. A sore that won’t heal Or one that heals and then bleeds again :*
*6. Unusual bleeding or discharge :* Talk to your doctor if you experience spontaneous nipple discharge or odorous vaginal discharge.
*7.Chronic cough or hoarseness :* — especially if you’re coughing up blood or also experience chest pain or shortness of breath.
_If you experience any of these symptoms, be sure to log them in some way, so that you can have a thorough conversation_ _with your doctor about how often symptoms occur and how long they’ve been happening._

Appendix knowledge

*How to Tell if That Pain Is Your Appendix :*

Of all your body’s many functions, modern medicine is still confused about one thing: the appendix. It’s possible your appendix fights off some infections, but doctors aren’t quite sure.

We all can survive without the 2-to-4-inch, worm-shaped organ, but if it gets infected or bursts — causing appendicitis — you’re in trouble. You’ll need medical attention right away.

*Appendicitis is a serious condition, And, it’s always an emergency.*

How do you know if you’re at risk?
Everyone has a low risk — roughly 7 percent — for developing appendicitis during their life. However, it’s most common among children, ages 10 to 19. In fact, it’s the most frequent reason for emergency surgery in kids.

*What symptoms should you watch for?*

_Go to the emergency room or call your doctor right away if you notice new or worsening pain in the lower right part of your abdomen (upper right side for pregnant women)._

It’s especially important to see a doctor if you also experience:

Loss of appetite with Nausea or vomiting
Lack of energy
Inability to pass gas

*How do doctors diagnose appendicitis?* Doctors typically use ultrasound to diagnose appendicitis in children.

*What  are the treatment options?*
Doctors can treat appendicitis in two ways.
In less severe cases, your doctor may prescribe antibiotics. However, most appendicitis cases require surgery (an appendectomy) to remove the appendix.

*The bottom line?* Don’t hesitate to seek medical care if you notice potential signs of appendicitis. Treatment has the best results if appendicitis is found early.

Army Quotes

Ten best Indian Army quotes: Must read. Really felt proud reading them.....

1. "Either I will come back after hoisting the tricolocr, or I will come back wrapped in it, but I will be back for sure.”
– Capt. Vikram Batra, Param Veer Chakra

2. “What is a lifetime adventure for you is a daily routine for us.” – Ladakh Leh highway  signboard of Indian Army

3. “If death strikes, before I prove my blood, I swear I’ll kill death.” – Capt. Manoj Kumar Pandey, Param Veer Chakra 1/11 Gorkha Rifles

4. “Our flag does not fly because the wind moves it, it flies with the last breath of each soldier who died protecting it.”
-- Indian Army

5. “To find us, you must be good, to catch us you must be fast, but to beat us…………you must be kidding.” -- Indian Army

6. “May God have mercy on our enemies, because we won’t.”
-- Indian Army

7. “We live by chance, we love by choice, we kill by profession.” – Officers Training Academy, Chennai

8. “If a man says he’s not afraid of dying, he’s either lying, or he’s a Gorkha.” –
Field Marshal Sam Manekshaw

9. “It is God’s duty to forgive the terrorists, but it’s our duty to convene a meeting between the two.” -- Indian Army

10. “I regret I have but one life to give for my country.” – Officer Prem Ramchandani

Diabetes sneaking up?

*Is Diabetes Sneaking Up on You?* **6 Early Signs &Regular testing can help detect diabetes early on*
High blood sugar can sneak up on you without any obvious symptoms. In fact, most people don’t know they have high blood sugar until they have type 2 diabetes – and probably have had it for some time.
The telltale signs of type 2 diabetes, such as frequent urination and excessive thirst, are often subtle, especially early on. But ignoring them can cause worse health problems down the road.

Even mild blood sugar elevation can damage your nerves, kidneys and retinas. And the higher your blood sugar levels and the longer you go without treatment, the worse the damage can get.

There are several symptoms that can occur early on with diabetes. Even if they’re subtle, they’re worth mentioning to your doctor.

*1. You’re making more trips to the bathroom:*
Having to go to the bathroom more than normal, particularly at night, is a sign that your blood sugar might be out of whack.

*2. You’re getting frequent urinary or yeast infections :*
When your blood sugar is high and your kidneys can’t filter it well enough, sugar ends up in the urine. More sugar in a warm, moist environment can cause urinary tract and yeast infections, especially in women.

*3. You’re losing weight without trying:*
If you have diabetes, your body isn’t able to use glucose (sugar) as effectively for its energy. Instead, your body will start burning fat stores, and you may experience unexpected weight loss.

*4. Your vision is getting worse :*
High sugar levels can distort the lenses in your eyes, worsening your vision. Changes in your eyeglass prescription or vision are sometimes a sign of diabetes.

*5. You’re feeling fatigued or exhausted:*
Several underlying causes of fatigue may relate to diabetes/high sugar levels, including dehydration (from frequent urination, which can disrupt sleep) and kidney damage.

*6. You’re noticing skin discoloration:*
Something that Doctors  often see in patients before a diabetes diagnosis is dark skin in the neck folds and over the knuckles, much evident in fair people. Insulin resistance can cause this condition, known as acanthosis nigricans.

Because symptoms of diabetes are often subtle or nonexistent, especially around the onset, it’s important to see your doctor regularly for a checkup and testing. This is particularly vital if you are overweight or have risk factors — if diabetes runs in your family, for instance.

*The WHO recommends screening for type 2 diabetes if you are between the ages of 40 and 70. If results are normal, you should repeat the testing every three years.* If you have a risk factor, the WHO recommends beginning screening at a younger age and testing more frequently.

Cognitive Health Care

*Six steps to cognitive health :*
*_So how do you keep your brain healthy, stay cognitively fit, and build your cognitive reserve?_* It's easier for some people than for others. And though genetics set the stage for your brain health, you can do something to improve your brain health and cognitive fitness.

First it is important to remember that you need a healthy body to have a healthy brain. Therefore, ensuring your brain health depends upon regularly seeing your doctor, following her or his recommendations, and managing any health conditions you have.

The heart of our brain health and cognitive fitness program, however, involves lifestyle changes. Researchers at Harvard Medical School have identified six cornerstones to any effective brain health and cognitive fitness program. Though they refer to them as "steps," they should all be done together rather than sequentially:

*Step 1:* Eat a plant-based diet

*Step 2:* Exercise regularly

*Step 3:* Get enough sleep

*Step 4:* Manage your stress

*Step 5:* Nurture social contacts

*Step 6:* Continue to challenge your brain

_Together, these can yield real results, leading to changes in both your brain's structure and function._ *But the key word is "together." These factors are equal parts of a cohesive plan—they don't work in isolation.* _Simply eating more fiber or adding a morning walk to your routine isn't enough to forestall mental decline._ _Instead, exercise, diet, sleep, stress management, social interaction,_ _and mental stimulation work in concert to yield results._

The Kidneys care

*7 Secrets to Keeping Your Kidneys Healthy*
High blood pressure, diabetes or a family history of kidney failure put one at an increased risk of developing kidney disease. But even if you don’t have any of those risk categories, it’s important to take care of these critically important organs.

There are several things you can do to keep your kidneys as healthy as possible at every stage of life:

*1. Hydrate, but don’t overdo it :*  Contrary to popular belief, no studies have proven over-hydration as an effective practice in enhancing kidney function. So, while it’s always a good idea to drink enough water, drinking more than the typical four to six glasses a day probably won’t help your kidneys do their job any better.
*2. Eat healthy foods :*  Most kidney problems arise out of other medical conditions like high blood pressure, diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Because of this, it is  suggested to follow healthy eating habits to control weight and blood pressure. Preventing diabetes and high blood pressure will help keep kidneys in good condition.
*3. Exercise regularly :* Like eating a well-balanced diet, regular physical activity can stave off weight gain and high blood pressure. But do be mindful of how much exercise you do, especially if you’re not conditioned. Overexerting yourself when you’re not in good shape can lead to serious problems, especially if you are at high risk for heart disease.
*4. Use caution with supplements and herbal remedies:* Excessive amounts of certain vitamin supplements and some herbal extracts may be harmful to your kidneys. Talk to your doctor about any vitamins and herbs you plan to take.
*5. Quit smoking (and vaping!):* Smoking can damage blood vessels, which decreases the flow of blood in the kidneys. When the kidneys don’t have adequate blood flow, they can’t function at optimal levels. Smoking also increases the risk of high blood pressure as well as the risk of kidney cancer. While vaping may not expose someone to many of the toxins in tobacco smoke, the nicotine is still very addictive and hard on the body. Plus, there are many chemicals in the vaping solutions.
*6. Don’t overdo it with over-the-counter medications :* Common non-prescription pills like ibuprofen and naproxen (NSAIDs) can cause kidney damage if taken too regularly over a prolonged period. If you have healthy kidneys and use these medicines for occasional pain, they probably don’t pose a risk. But  if you take them for chronic pain or arthritis, you should talk to your doctor about monitoring your kidney function or finding alternative ways to control your pain.
*7. If you’re at risk, get regular kidney function screening :* If you have diabetes, high blood pressure or cardiovascular disease, your physician should screen for kidney dysfunction as part of routine care for those conditions.

Gall bladder story

When to Suspect Your Abdominal Pain Is a Gallbladder Attack.

There’s a lot going on in your body between your chest and your pelvis. So when abdominal pain strikes, it can be nearly impossible to tell where it’s coming from.

If the pain is in the upper part of the abdomen, some people wonder if they should blame their gallbladder – the tiny, pear-shaped organ that sits under the liver on the right side of your abdomen. It’s a fairly common cause of upper abdominal pain, but it’s not the only potential cause.

What exactly is the gallbladder, anyway?

Most of the time, the gallbladder just stores bile produced by the liver. Bile helps to break down fats, so when you eat a meal, the gallbladder gets to work squeezing some of that bile into the intestine to help with digestion.

If bile contains too much of one or more of its components, it can harden into pebble-like gallstones, which can block the flow of bile.

Sometimes, the blockage creates a buildup of pressure in the gallbladder and causes pain. That’s a gallbladder attack.

Where do you feel gallbladder pain?

Even for a skilled physician, it can be difficult to tell whether someone’s gallbladder is the source of their abdominal pain. That’s because a number of things can cause localized pain in the abdomen, including a peptic ulcer or a heart attack.

*In typical cases, gallbladder pain:*

1. is an achy pain felt in the mid-upper abdomen.
2. can radiate to the right shoulder or back.
3. lasts for 20 minutes to an hour.
4. recurs in an identical fashion.
5. may be accompanied by other digestive symptoms, such as nausea or vomiting.

Certain people are more likely to have gallbladder problems, including anyone who is:

Over the age of 40.
Losing weight quickly.
Eating a high-fat diet.
Taking birth control pills or hormone replacement therapy.
*If the gallbladder might be the culprit…*
Sometimes, gallstones resolve themselves. Other times, they get stuck in the gallbladder or in the bile ducts and cause recurring pain.

If the gallbladder is deemed to be the source of the problem, your doctor might recommend gallbladder removal surgery.

This probably sounds like a dramatic step, but the reality is that you don’t actually need your gallbladder to live a happy, healthy life. Your liver can release bile directly into the intestines to help with digestion. And, the gallbladder can be removed with a laparoscope.

The vast majority of everyone who has their gallbladder removed lives perfectly well.

Retired people fun

Working people frequently ask retired people what they do to make their days
interesting... Well, this was what I heard from a 60+ Senior Citizen & he said this about using time Productively...

"The other day my wife & I went into town & went into a shop... We were only in there for about 5 minutes... When we came out, there was a cop writing out a parking ticket...

We went up to him & I said, 'Come on man, how about giving a senior citizen a break?' He ignored us & continued writing the ticket. I called him a Dumb ass... He glared at me & started writing another ticket for having worn tires...

So my wife called him a shit head. He finished the 2nd ticket & put it on the windshield with the first... Then he started writing a third ticket... This went on for about 20 minutes... The more we abused him, the more tickets he wrote...

Just then our bus arrived & we got on it & went home...

We try to have a little fun each day now that we're retired.

It's important at our age..."

Positive Outlook

A lady who was over 90 years old, had a great flair towards dressing up well, applying makeup and arranging her hair in beautiful patterns.

She and her husband had been married to each other for 70 years.

After the departure of her beloved partner, having no children and no one in the family to care for her,
She decided to move to a nursing home.

Even on the day when she vacated her home for good, she dressed up elegantly and looked gorgeous.

After arriving at the nursing home, she had to wait patiently in the lobby for hours before room was ready.

When an attendant helped her make her way to the room, she gave the lady a visual description of the tiny space that she was meant to occupy.

"I love it” The lady expressed with the enthusiasm of an eight year old who had just been presented with a new puppy.

"Mrs Jones, you haven't even seen the room yet... Just wait. " The attendant remarked.

"Well, My joy has nothing to do with the room, " The lady replied.

"Whether I like my room or not, doesn’t depend on how the furniture is arranged, it depends on how I arrange my mind, happiness is something you can decide ahead of time. And I have already decided to love my room, to love the people around me, to love my life. It is a decision that I make every morning when I wake up. You know what, the greatest asset we all have is the power to choose how we feel. "

The lady continued speaking, as the attendant listened attentively with her mouth wide open.

"I can spend my entire day in bed thinking of the pain I am in, focusing on the parts of my body that no longer work or I can get out of bed and be thankful for those parts that do work. Each day is a gift, and as long as my eyes can still open, I will continue to focus on today and all the happy memories I have stored in my mind, just for this time in my life."

The attendant was astounded by the positive attitude of the elderly lady, whose life from an external point of view, was only full of problems and hopelessness.


Only problems happen automatically,
Happiness is a choice we all have to make.

"Hatred" happens automatically "love" is a choice we all have to make.

Being negative happens automatically
Positive attitude is a choice we all have to make.

" Complaining " is automatic
" Gratitude" is a choice we all have to make.

Let’s choose right and live well.

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Get by Character & Obedience

I really don't know who authored this, but it's powerful, full of knowledge, wisdom and is educative! Take time to read it ☺


A man’s character is his fate, Heraclitus Thomas Jefferson, the third President of the United States (US), said: _“Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude.”_

As a clergyman, I have watched pitiably how people self-sabotage themselves by seeking spiritual solutions to character-deficit issues. They look around at everybody as suspects for their predicaments when their greatest demons lurks within them - their character.

What we often call our destiny is truly our character, and since that character can change, then destiny can be altered. Character is destiny.

Is prayer actually EVERYTHING? Many would begin to argue back and forth on this intriguing question, but my main purpose of writing this piece is not to get involved in arguments. Arguments don’t improve the validity of a ‘truth'; they only determine how long it would take before you realise it.

Most people believe that we can pray ourselves to success and get away with virtually anything if we become a stickler to some prayer routines. There is no amount of spiritual penance that can substitute for character. Sometimes, you need character, not prayer.

Dutch Sheets said: “Prayer is not a check request asking for things from God; it is a deposit slip - a way of depositing God’s character into our bankrupt souls .”

British writer and politician, Thomas Macaulay (1800-1859), said: “The measure of a man’s character is what he would do if he knew he never would be found out.” I have often said that what would ultimately destroy a man going to high places in life is not really the enemies that are waiting for him there, but the character that followed him there.

I want to emphatically underline the fact that this write-up is not meant to trivialise prayers in any way. I have observed that many people take character for granted, while overzealously tuning on into their spiritual mode.

We have become so spiritually in tune through prayers that we neglect the place of character and our relationship with people. Many are actually ‘heavenly’ bound, but with no earthly relevance. You can speak with spiritual eloquence, pray in public and maintain a holy appearance, but it is your behavior and character that will actually trigger the manifestation of all that God has for you.

You must learn to treat people with courtesy.

The Shunammite woman must have been praying for a child all through her life. By being hospitable to a man of God, she eventually got her much-awaited miracle. It wasn’t prayer that opened the door for her; it was her character. Assuming she wasn’t hospitable, she would have missed a critical miracle.

Many times, we pray, fast and bind demons that don’t exist when our real demons are just our greatly flawed character. Many have insulted people that were divinely placed and orchestrated to help them fulfil their destiny. Some people are keeping malice with their destiny helpers.

Treat people with respect. Treat strangers with courtesy. Never look down on anybody. God can use anyone to change your story.

Abigail Van Buren said: “The best index to a person’s character is how he treats people who can’t do him any good, and how he treats people who can’t fight back.”

You can easily judge the character of a man by how he treats those who can do nothing for him. The way we treat people we think can’t help or hurt us, like housekeepers, waiters, and secretaries, tells more about our character than how we treat people we think are important. How do you treat people?

One of the most impressive architectural feats and the greatest military defence project in history is the Great Wall of China. In 1987, UNESCO designated the Great Wall a World Heritage site, and a popular controversial claim that emerged in the 20th century holds that it is the only man-made structure that is visible from space.

Originally conceived by Emperor Qin Shi Huang (c. 259-210 B.C.) in the 3rd Century B.C. as a means of preventing incursions from Mongolians and barbarian nomads into the Chinese Empire, the wall is one of the most extensive construction projects ever completed.

History has it that when the ancient Chinese decided to live in peace, they made the Great Wall of China; they thought no one could climb it due to its height. During the first 100 years of its existence, the Chinese were invaded thrice and every time, the hordes of enemy infantry had no need of penetrating or climbing over the wall, because each time, they bribed the guards and came through the doors.

The Chinese built the wall, but forgot the character- building of the wall-guards. Though the Great Wall has over the years become a powerful symbol of the country’s enduring strength and spirit, but it has actually been a good reminder to the Chinese of the superiority of human character.

The Chinese realised much later that the best defence against the enemy is not a fortified wall, but a fortified character. Thus, the building of human character comes before building of anything else.

Prayer is not EVERYTHING! Build relationships, and don’t ever forget that God will always use man. Be mindful of your words and how you speak to people. Work seriously on your character and attitude towards life.

I want to say emphatically that character is not optional; it is sacrosanct to the future that God has planned for you. No matter where you place prayers, character matters. The greatest fraud in life is religion without character. A man without character is recklessly alive.

William Shakespeare captured it succinctly when he said: “The fault is not in our stars, but in ourselves.” Peter Schutz, the former chief executive officer of Porsche said: “HIRE CHARACTER; TRAIN SKILLS.”                        Back in the days when Germany was divided, a huge wall separated East and West Berlin.

One day, some people in East Berlin took a truck load of garbage and dumped it on the West Berlin side.

The people of West Berlin could have done the same thing, but they didn't.

Instead they took a truck load of canned goods, bread, milk and other provisions, and neatly stacked it on the East Berlin side.

On top of this stack they placed the sign:


How very true! You can only give what you have.

What do you have inside of you?
Is it hate or love?
Violence or peace?
Death or life?
Capacity to build or capacity to destroy?

What have you acquired over the years?
Team spirit or pull down architecture ?


Think about it!
Please give out the good in you always.

God bless you . 🙏

Wednesday, July 10, 2019


Tuesday, February 5, 2019
For a Military Officer – which is more important : Physical Fitness or Mental Robustness…?

Is “Mental Robustness” more important that “Physical Fitness”...?

Musings of a Veteran


In his autobiography  A SOLDIER’S STORY  General Omar Nelson Bradley (the renowned American General who commanded the 12th Army, the largest army in World War II, during the invasion of Europe) recounts an incident.

During the war – one of the best Corps Commanders,  General Troy H Middleton  suffered an arthritic disability in the knee and it was suggested to General Marshall (the US Army Chief) that Middleton be sent home rather than be given command of a army corps in the field which was engaged in active combat.

General Marshall retorted:

“I would rather have a man with arthritis in the knee than one with arthritis in the head. Keep Middleton there.”

General Marshall was proved right.

In Europe, as a part of Patton’s 3rd Army, Middleton commanded VIII Corps with distinction and successfully led it throughout the European Invasion all the way from Normandy to the Elbe.

Middleton was a seasoned campaigner, having commanded 45th Infantry Division in the Sicilian Campaign in II Corps (commanded by Patton and later by Bradley).

He was then promoted to command VIII Corps in Patton’s Third Army during the invasion in Europe, when he was struck by an attack of Arthritis.

Marshall’s insistence that “I would rather have a man with arthritis in the knee than one with arthritis in the head”  was proved right as Middleton performed brilliantly as a leader especially in the  Battle of the Bulge   (described below):

“Had not Middleton, egged-on by Patton, ordered unrelenting attacks against the assaulting Nazis – and – had not his infantrymen and tankers risen to highest levels of gallantry – the Germans certainly would have overcome the 101st’s resistance and been able to re-establish their supply lines leading to Bastogne”

Following this battle – Middleton led VIII Corps in its relentless push across Germany right into Czechoslovakia when Germany surrendered and the war ended.

Before the Battle of the Bulge, his leadership in Operation Cobra led to the capture of the important port city of Brest, France, and for his success he was awarded a second Distinguished Service Medal by General George Patton.

Middleton was recognized by both the Supreme Allied Commander Eisenhower and Army Commander Patton as being a corps commander of extraordinary abilities.

General Patton had recommended that if he became a battle casualty, then General Middleton should succeed him as commander of the 3rd Army.

Despite being “physically unfit” due to arthritis – General Middleton spent over 1200 days in war conditions in the field – ever since departing from America in January 1942.

Middleton logged 480 days in actual combat during World War II – more than any other American General Officer.

General Troy H Middleton achieved this remarkable and most spectacular military success despite have been stricken by arthritis in the knee.

(In India, he would have probably been declared a Low Medical Category (LMC) and he would have been invalided out of the Army on medical grounds – so powerful are our Army Doctors – they can ruin career prospects of competent officers by the dreaded “weapon” of medical category)

This true story, of the arthritis afflicted General Middleton narrated above, exemplifies the importance of mental fitness for a military officer, especially in senior ranks.

Mental fitness is certainly as important as physical fitness, if not more.

In some cases, especially for senior officers, mental fitness is more important than physical fitness.

The importance of mental fitness over physical fitness is exemplified in the words of General Eisenhower (when it was repeatedly recommended to him by doctors that General Middleton should be sent back to America after his success in Africa and the Sicilian Campaign, as General Middleton as afflicted with Arthritis and he was not physically fit for the forthcoming Invasion of Europe).

General Eisenhower remarked about General Middleton:

“I don't give a damn about his knees – I want his head and his heart. And I’ll take him into battle on a stretcher if we have to.”

General Marshall supported General Eisenhower’s opinion:

“I would rather have a man with arthritis in the knee than one with arthritis in the head. Keep Middleton there.”

Military history is replete with examples of this – during World War II, Fredendall  was replaced by  Patton  after American Forces suffered a reverse at  Kasserine Pass – Auchinleck was replaced by Montgomery after defeat in the first battle of El Alamein –  and even during the 1962 Sino-Indian conflict, a move was made to replace Kaul with Harbaksh Singh (decision reversed with disastrous consequences) but, finally, Kaul was replaced by Sam Manekshaw, but by then it was too late as the war was over.

Will it not be apt for the Indian Armed Forces, obsessed with “medical categories”, to mull over these words on the importance of mental fitness in senior officers.


Do we regard mental fitness to be as important as physical fitness in our Armed Forces (Army, Navy and Air Force)...?

In the beginning (at the time of recruitment):

Yes – for Officers – both Physical and Mental Fitness are evaluated in the initial selection process.

In India, the selection process for an officer in the armed forces (army, navy and air force) includes assessment of both physical fitness and mental fitness.

Physical fitness is tested at the Services Selection Board (SSB) followed by a thorough medical examination at the Military Hospital (MH).

Mental fitness is analyzed by various psychological tests, group tasks and interviews at the SSB.

Thus, both physical and mental fitness are confirmed before selection.

Thereafter, physical fitness is evaluated and confirmed every year by an Annual Medical Examination (AME) and Physical Evaluation Test (PET).

If an officer does not meet the specified standards, the officer’s medical category is downgraded and his career is adversely affected as the officer is considered unfit for combat duties.

Physical fitness is not taken for granted.

This is because it is felt that physical fitness of a person can change over the years depending on one’s health and the attention one pays to maintaining oneself.

However, mental fitness is never evaluated during your entire military career once you have been commissioned as an officer.

Mental fitness is taken for granted.

It is assumed that mental fitness does not change and there is no need to “examine” and confirm an officer’s mental fitness every year.

However – like physical fitness can change with time – similarly – mental fitness can also change over the years depending on life experiences.


Physical toughness and mental robustness are two different attributes.

Physical toughness does not automatically guarantee mental robustness.

Yes, it may not always be true that all physically tough persons will necessarily be mentally robust as well.

In the army, physical toughness may be more important for junior officers, but for senior leadership it is mental robustness that matters.

In his book  “The Unfought War of 1962”  the author JR Saigal cites the example of his Brigade Commander who was physically tough but mentally weak-willed.

As a junior officer, he had suffered harrowing experiences as a prisoner of war during the Second World War and was determined not to become a prisoner again.

The Brigade Commander became so jittery when he heard of the advancing enemy that he abandoned his troops and fled from the battlefield even before the attack was launched by the enemy.

The author says that a person with such a vulnerable mental make-up should not have been posted anywhere near an operational area.

Yet such a shaky and mentally unfit officer was posted to a crucial command appointment – and that too in war.


In the Navy too – I have seen many officers – who were mentally robust in their younger days – become mentally soft and lose their boldness as they become senior – due to their fervent ambition and fanatical obsession to get promoted to higher rank.

In their quest for promotion at any cost – these officers fall victim to the “ACR Syndrome” – since promotion is solely dependent on the all important ACR (Annual Confidential Report).

I once saw a Commanding Officer become a nervous wreck in his quest to earn an “outstanding” ACR – there were 10 other highly ambitious Commanding Officers in the Fleet of the same rank competing with him for promotion, and, he knew that the vacancies were very few, so the cut-throat competition was very tough.

I was astonished by the change in the mental makeup of this officer, since the same officer had been a robust happy-go-lucky carefree individual in his younger days.

It seemed that “zero error syndrome” coupled with his extreme ambition had made him fearful and lose his mental robustness.

Instead of enjoying his command, he was stressed out, since, due to his obsession for an “outstanding” ACR, he was doing a few things which he knew were wrong.

It is quite ironical, that instead of becoming more and more mentally forceful as they become senior, some highly ambitious officers start becoming spineless, due to their servility to the powers-that-be, as they crave for career-success and even yearn for post-retirement sops.

Thus, by the time they reach high rank, long years of submissiveness severely compromises their mental robustness and this may affect their command capability, especially in a crisis.

You cannot expect an officer to be a “dog in obedience” and “lion in action” at the same time.

Similarly, once an officer who was a “lion in action” gets slowly converted into a “dog in obedience” – it is very difficult to instantly re-convert the “dog in obedience” back into a “lion in action”.



One solution to alleviate this problem is to have an Annual Psychological Examination (APE) to assess the current “Mental and Emotional Fitness” of an officer and ascertain his suitability for leadership in combat situations.

In today’s world, modern tools and techniques are available to conduct such psychological tests.

All that needs to be done is to include an Annual Psychological Examination (APE)along with the Annual Medical Examination (AME).

It is as simple as that.

The APE will ensure that the military will have officers at the top who are as mentally robust as they are physically tough.

Hopefully – the Annual Psychological Examination (APE) will ensure that those with “arthritis in the head” will be weeded out – and only mentally robust officers are promoted to high ranks.


Saturday, June 22, 2019

Text Summarization AI

Read "Comprehensive Guide to Text Summarization using Deep Learning in Python" on Analytics Vidhya

Friday, June 21, 2019

Retirement Planning - Article 5 by Amit Sangwan

Article 5
Retirement planning :

7 min read

12 May 19

By Amit Sangwan

1. Just back to my study after casting my vote. Have been recieving tremendous positive reaction, support and respect  after writing my first 4 articles.

2.  After having written about NFU and OROP yesterday I was expecting some backlash. But what came from one officer in a message form shocked a mystic like me also.

3. He was extremely annoyed about why I was not supporting NFU(I am not against it.I am against doing RR for it).And he casted doubt that this was a ISI handle. This got me thinking.

4. NFU is an issue which has caused lot of angst and bitter feelings  among serving people. Some body like me trying to put cold water is being lamented as dushman and those wanting to increase this fire are perceiving themselves to be  deshbhakt. Just fail to understand this  skewed logic.

5. This is not an ISI handle. My name and number out there. 800 msgs come to me daily. Just for privacy reasons I want to keep it that way. Accusing this way is bit rude.Labelling as a  friendly neighbourhood whatsapp Spiderman would be much better.

6. My aim with all these articles is to offer refreshing  take on matters we faujis have been sweating on for yesterday at end. I think its high time we got out of that self eroding and self depricating victim mindset. Also I want to give confidence to people to enter the unchartered territory after retirement.
I will bring in fresh perspectives and clear such vitiated  air that has been created of late around this wonderful profession of arms by few starved and perceptually deprived souls.

7. Writing the above complicated english  para has taken a toll on my mental faculties. Wont be able to make this article  so great now. At end of the day I am an ex Nda Jaat Ram from Rohtak ( settled at Gurgaon).Not from somewhere else as one odd chap may suggest or want to believe.

8. Some random clarification for previous ones

(a)  Lumpsum retirement benefits for 20 yr Lt Col retiring Aug 2020  are leave encashment about 20 lakh. Gratuity 20 lakh.
Commutation 45 lakh. Agis survival benefit 10 lakh. So a total 95 lakh. Retirement posting claim 2 lakh. So 97 lakh. Every one year increase in service it will increase by 3 lakhs.So for 24 year service officer it will be 1.1 cr. Rank as brig or full col will increase it by 5 lakhs.

(b) Officers with disability should not commute pension as their pension will be tax free.In
coming times getting 8 percent net of tax returns will be a challenge.

(c)  So if you dont have a big outstanding loan to repay,  not commuting is an option.

9. Fears

(a) Children education and future

(i) Its a unnecessary worry. Your child is carrying your and wife genes. If both your genes average then  at max with great efforts he or she can become above average but certainly not exceptional.  This has to be understood.

(ii) Most  conventional good jobs like Ias Ips and admission intoIIT etc will be taken by lower middle class.  Because of Internet accessibility the class advantage has gone.Please see on youtube , videos of all subjects on civil services exam available. So crores of poor children at almost same level. See the profile of kids joining civil services. Even fauj for that matter. Our children cannot get that fire in the belly.

(iii) Go for unconventional ones. In media, advertising, fashion .will do an article on this later on. Basic idea any work which is dependent on personality and confidence of a person and not academic brilliance.

(iv) Please dont make kids engineer. If not from IIT or NIT or AIT, salary wont be more than 20 thousand.

(b)  Question  What will i do outside ?
Answer You can afford to do nothing.
As per the equation your living style will be maintained.
Question How can  I  sit idle?
Answer Then do something.
First question gets repeated again.
This is where people get stuck.Officers with tech skill or some confidence will not ask these questions. Others will have to find answer  themselves .

(c) Question - What do i do with money i get on retirement ?
Answer  Put in FD
Question But Fd returns are 7 percent only. Post tax 5 percent ?

Answer Ok then put in mutual funds.

Question But they are risky. I have seen nav fall by 30 percent . recently especially mid cap n small cap fund .

Answer Ok bhai invest in real estate.

Question  What if builder runs away.So many people stuck in greater noida?

Answer  Ok do a small start up of your own or wife .Some artifacts kind.

Queation What if it fails. My life long earnings sunk.

Answer ok i will do portfolio management service for you and hand hold you . We will invest in various asset classes depending on economy cycle, political environment ,crude oil price and trumps state of mind.I will charge 3 percent as fund management fees.

Reaction :  It sounds nice.
But 3 percent is too high. You are a friend. Why charge so much for just telling where to put money. How much time it takes to tell a plan ?
I think i will continue because i have 1 cr in PF and will get 8 percent intrest. In fact i will take re employment also.As second posting in that will be choice.
Its ok if i get first one in field.

10. I have witnessed above conversation so many times.
Remember two kind of people will help you and give advise.

One who will charge you money. He will have a vested interest in making you invest in a particular thing. It may be beneficial to you also. Seek good ones.You can ask them any number of questions. Argue with them. After all money is going to them. Develop conviction after the process and go ahead with them.

Second one will give you for free.They are rare good souls to be cherished. They may be friend, may be doing as hobby or it may be there niyati (dont know english word for it).
Dont argue with them. Cross check their advise. Ask how the conviction can be developed. Don't hassle them with  endless questions. No one can ever invest on borrowed conviction. You have to develop your own.
Example general perception is that in real estate in India rental yield is 2 to 2.5 percent .
But if i tell you it can be 10 percent .even 12 percent. What will most likely reaction? One of  disbelief and followed by unnecessary  argument .

11. The problem with faujis is for so long we are used to operating under SOP s and set pattern approbed by higher ups  that we become clueless without them. In fauj the commander and system seeks certainity for the mission to be successful whether its surgical strike or corp cdr or army cdr visit.
Nothing is left to chance.There is always a a plan B or plan C. Being in fauj for so long this approach to life has seeped in our subconscious. Also there is a penchant to see orderliness every where.Nearing retirement you need to get rid of this.

12. Above approach to life is very counterproductive in civil world which thrives on uncertainity and cuous. Whole insurance industry is based on it.
Seeking certainity in this uncertain world causes misery.

13. Actionable points for the week

(a) Dont fret about kids education .What they study and end up doing is totally different ? Expose them to various possibilities.

(b) Read book

Art of thinking clearly.

(c)  Money cannot give happiness. But its a tool to navigate the troubles of life. Having it certainly helps. Money is important but the way you earn it is even more important. So introspect at what cost are you earning it.

Next one most likely  on Mutual funds vs real estate and how to go about it. Also concept of passive income and active income will be introduced. Something if one understands it can change the way you live.


1. In our childhood all of us would have played various games like pittu kho kho kabaddi or r more organised ones like football and  cricket.

2. If there was a pool of say 20 kids. 2 kids were nominated as captains. And they used to select teams.There was a toss who will start the selection process.

3. The star and stronger players were selected first. Then the team players or personal favourites. The kids in 8 9 10 number were  the ones not fitting the above qualities.

4. As children if we were in 8 9 10 number, understanding the above process was difficult and we continued playing irrespective.  Even if some of us had the maturity to understand what was happening, we had a little choice as pool of kids was limited. It was ok to play in cricket when nobody gave you batting or bowling. You did only fielding. And were normally the ones to get ball out of kaante wali jhadi.

5. If the above 8 9 10 is happening  to you in adulthood or midlife then Sir  its time to change the game.
There is no limit of type of  games to be played.  Choose a new one of your liking.

6. Know when time is up. For superannuating officers
Sir Bahut din ho gaye democracy ko defend karte huey.
Time to enjoy the democracy now.

7. Hope some value added. Please post queries by whatsapp.also please mention where u belong to because advise to bangalore guy will be different from chandigarh one. Also a brief back ground. Also please dont ask how you should make career choices. Mtech or staff college. I am not that honhaar to guide on these.
Abstract things, intuition and emotions is what i excel.


Financial Planning

Another great article by veteran Amit Sangwan! 🙏🏼 🙏🏼


Personal financial tips...

What are some of the mistakes of Indians that are destroying their financial lives?

*Buying insurance policies for investment purpose*: Have you invested your money in insurance plan to get a return in future? Big mistake! Out of 100 people I have spoken, 95 have made this mistake.. Very few people understand the difference between term plan, endowment plan, etc.

*Not able to crack the credit card mystery:* Are you paying the minimum amout due on your credit card payment? If yes, you are trapped in credit card mystery. On the other side, very few people really enjoy the benefits like free lounge access, buy one get one movie ticket, etc.

*No idea about the power of compounding:* Everyone has come across the formula of compounding but very few people really understand its power. This is the reason people do not start saving early and hence lose out on the power of compounding. Albert Einstein said that power of compounding is the eighth wonder of the world.

*Buying stocks based on tips without any knowledge:* You will find every Tom, Dick and Harry giving stock tips over Facebook, Whatsapp and TV. Unfortunately, a lot of people fall in a trap of these people and invest money without any knowledge. What is the end result? They lose everything!

*Becoming a victim of lifestyle inflation*: Moving from 2bhk to 3bhk just because you have got a good hike, upgrading your car because you have got some bonus are some of the examples of lifestyle inflation destroying financial lives.

*Buying things just because they are on discount*: From Amazon’s “Great Indian Sale” to Flipkart’s “The Big Billion Days”, everyone is encashing on the weakness of Indians buying things just because it is on discount. Funny thing is now you will find such sales every other month.

*Getting tempted to go for an exotic vacation* just because someone put a post on Facebook and Instagram: Instagram and Facebook are introduced as Social Media Platform but they are actually destroying the entire social fabric. Friends are jealous of each other. Most of them are just social media friends. Facebook and Instagram are more of a marketing platform where people post stuff just to get some likes and companies promote their product and services.

*Spending a bomb on weekend parties:* 5 days work and 2 days party: This is the new culture in India. Pubs are jam-packed on weekends where people would spend a bomb on drinks. By the end of the month, they are left with no money.

*No track of cash flow:* Very few people keep a track of their expenses. Most of them just don’t know where the money is gone.

*No emergency budget:* Not having any extra money in the case of an emergency results in embarrassing situations of borrowing money from friends and relative. Some people even break their investments and make a big mistake.

*No medical insurance*: I have seen people losing out the lifetime savings just because they did not take medical insurance. One accident can shatter all financial dreams. Better be insured. Healthcare cost is rising and it is impossible to manage it without insurance.

*No financial plan:* People do not know why they need to save money because they don’t know their financial goals.

*No diversification*: Some people would invest all their money in real estate, some would invest all the money in gold, some would just keep it in the locker, some would invest all the money in the stock market. Very few people understand the right way of diversifying the investments.

*Spending all the hard earned money on children marriage:* Thanks to our hypocritic society! People save their entire life just to spend all the money on random relatives who only bother about the food and arrangements. What is the topic of discussion at weddings? “Sharma ji ne to unki beti ko car gift kari. (Mr Sharma has gifted a car to his daughter)”. “Mehta ji ne unki beti ko 50 tola sona diya” (Mr Mehta has gifted 500-gram gold to his daughter.)

*Buying excessive gold only to keep it in the locker:* Gold worth lakhs is kept in lockers only to be used once or twice a year. This is resulting in the money getting blocked and hence not getting any returns on it.

*An extremely conservative approach with investment:* Traditionally, people have been risk-averse. They would just have an FD and live on 6–7% annual interest. Some would just keep the cash at home.

*Lack of clarity between asset and liability:* Having a car is not an asset because it consumes fuel and has a maintenance cost. Its price will only depreciate in the future. Car is a necessity but people spend a lot of money and even take the loan to buy a luxury car over and above their budget.

*Considering frugal as cheap:* A lot of people confuse economic spending with being cheap. An economic spender does not compromise with quality but does his research well enough to buy the product or service at the lowest rate.

*Procrastinating investment decisions:* “I will invest from tomorrow”. But the problem is that tomorrow never comes.

*Spending a lot of money on fancy stuff:* A fancy car, a fancy house, a fancy watch, a fancy vacation. People want fancy stuff and willing to pay a premium irrespective of the value it generates.

*Lack of patience:* “I can’t wait for my wealth to grow. I want to double my investments in 6 months. I need to invest in the stock market.” A lot of people lose their lifetime of savings because they don’t have the patience to understand the investment option and would blindly trust anyone with their investment.

*Depending upon others for investment decisions:* “I don’t know anything about investment. Please manage my money.” Unfortunately, a lot of people are dependent upon others with their hard earned money. This is the reason we have a lot of self-proclaimed experts giving stock market tips.

*Not discussing the money matters in the family:* Discussions related to money are considered as a taboo in Indian families. Nobody really discusses money matters.

*Getting too greedy with investment:* People blindly invest their money in penny stocks, day trading, futures and options. They eventually lose all their hard earned money. What is the root cause? GREED.

*Buying stocks at the peak and selling on fall:* Most of the retail investors get over excited with a rising market and invest when the market is at its peak. Eventually, the market corrects and they sell the stocks at a loss.

*Wasting time on unproductive things:* Rather than learning new stuff and growing the skillset, people end up wasting time on social media and YouTube.

*Lack of disciplined investment:* Instead of spending what is left after investing, people invest what is left after spending. This results in indisciplined investment.

*Root Cause:* Lack of knowledge about personal financial management!

Sunday, May 12, 2019

Preparing for PMR - Article 2 by Amit Sangwan

Preparing for PMR  - Finiancial Aspects and some more

By Amit Sangwan

1. I write this with some nervousness as the earlier one has recieved overwhelming response. This article is for finiancial orientation of  officers who for whatever reasons have opted for PMR. It is on lines of presentations one goes after applying for PMR. It is not meant for the stars. Also it is not meant to motivate officers to leave. Thats a personal call and everybody is presumably mature enough.

2.  Now having written what it is not meant to do, I will tell what it intends to do. Give some clarity and confidence to officers who are on verge of retirement for whatever reason they may have taken it for. Give them options. Soothe the nerves and anxiety.

3. This one will require 2nd order thinking and some strain on brain . Please dont read it after you are down two or more pegs. As you wont understand much and and evening may get spoilt.

4. It may hurt or break some long held  belief systems .That can cause pain. But may also give you new insights.

5. The money part is most important in this decision making. What I will write is after 20 years one can safely leave with the premise that you will not earn or do work at all.

6. Example is for a Officer leaving on 01 Aug 2020 after 20 years. Why 01 Aug. Because as per me its best date. You have just taken the increment for the year. Settled family 4 months back ie 01 apr for children new session.

7. So example date is 01 Aug 2020 for Lt  Col of 20 yrs service. Others may adjust for their rank and service .Template remains same.

8. Salary of Lt Col on 01 Aug 2020 @20 yrs@20  percent DA will be 2 lac may 10 k more depending on place ,tpt allowance etc.
Take home after tax 158 to 160 k.
After AGIS and some other cutting about 150 k.
I am treating PF subscription as pay only.

9.  Practically about 140k to 120 k goes into bank with which you live your life. You pay your bills, fees,emi etc with this.
Not only that you also save part of it into mutual fund sip, cash for buying. So your actual expenditure may vary from 60k to 90k. Somebody may have PF subscription as 50k or 60k. Getting 80k as take home and spending 60 to 70 k. This will depend where you stay and what stage children are at.

10. Some getting HRA would be actually spending that much on rent so that is taken care of. Main takeaway is that it is that 140 k which runs your life.

11. Your Pension after commutation will be 57k on 01 aug 2020. Lumpsum other than your pf will be 1 cr. 10 percent return on this per year is 10 lakh or 83k per month. So you get 57k plus 83 k ie 140k.
Same 140k which was running your life.

12. Now question comes how that 10 percent. Who will give. Is it safe.No you cant get it.This 10 percent thing is a big article in itself (4th one in series). Right now take my word for it. Also remember this all 83k will not come as liquid cash to you per month. Only a part of it. But then go above again . Were you using your entire 140 k? No. So liquid cash required out of 83 k may be just 33k. As 57 k plus 33k ie 90k is sufficient to run a household.

13. So take away till now is that you dont have to fret how you will manage.
I have not taken into consideration what assets  you may have, Rental income, Spouse income , Parental support , your own PF. These all are additional security cover.

14. My submission is that ,considering only cash flow , if you take PMR everything  remains same.
Now the benefits are following :-

a) When a officer retires at 42 years, his pension gets restored to full after 15 at 57 years.

b) This way its a gain of 3000 per year till 15 years.your 41 k spread over 15.

c)  If an officer retires at 57 years his pension is full at 72 years.If one lives till 80 years you get full for 23 years. In other case it is only 8 yrs.

d) Some will say if you retire later your pension will be more, retirement benefits more than why not continue? Lets do the maths for that also.

(i)  Salary increase happening per year is 4.5 percent. Net of tax it is 3 percent. Retirement benefits will increase by 2.5 percent.
It is nett of increase in leave encashment because basic pay and DA has increased. Commutation factor will decrease with age however basic pay has increased so it will still increase but slower rate. Gratuity will peak at 20 lakh. So no gain with service there.

(ii)  So from above pension increase is about 2.5 percent of 1 cr lumpsum ie 2.5 lakh and pay increase of 3 percent ie 75 k yearly. So you gain is 3.25 lakh per year if you continue one more year. Now the catch.

(iii)  Something called inflation which the government says is 5 percent.But that includes 400 items of common man.Actual affecting us is minimum 7 percent. So if you recieve a crore a year later its worth 93 lakhs.7 lakh loss this nett loss 7 minus 3.25 ie 3.75 lakh or 30 k a month or 1000 rs a day.

(e) All will notice that the way DA is calculated now  increase will be less. Lower strata of society will do catch up.

15. So now how do we proceed ahead. From above its clear that finiancially its not that advantageous to stay. So what actually makes us confused, jittery and anxious when the decision time comes.

16. Some psychological reasons as below:-

a) First of all there is some negativity inbuilt in word PMR or PSS .The word premature whether in Premature baby or premature ejaculation is problematic one. Name change to voluntary retirement may help. In this one also retirement word is bad. But better than PMR.
May be BBHG would be better.

b) All our military lives we or say most of us  live with a notion that we are superior to civilians. That bloody civilian approach. Now prospect of  joining these bloody civilian or working under them will naturally scare your subconscious mind. Some will choose to superannuate and do re employment of 4 years.Fight for all possible causes and then continue the tirade against civilians till death.

c)  You can not  start a conversation with civilians  like when we were at Wellington or when I was commanding that unit. Nobody there is interested in what you were. They cant distinguish between a Army or navy Capt. Your course grading of no use there.

d)  Outside your fauji junior may get a better pay package than you. That is also scary. I know people arguing I am full colonel how my pay can be less than Lt Col.

e)  You actually dont know what you are worth. Retired fauji known guy unless extremely close will only confuse further not help.

17. Now how we reduce the anxiety. See the reason you are leaving may be that juniors have become senior and you dont want to sir them. But being desperate and joining anything is no solution.There you may end up madaming a 10 year younger IIM female. Please dont judge me here. Just trying to drive home a point.

18. So how to exactly go about selecting what to do after leaving  to have a balanced peaceful purposeful  life will form core of my next article.

19. Just a hint for what to look in that one.
After leaving fauj dont sell your time to earn. What does that mean is, you sell 40 hrs a week to someone with 15 hrs commute added and he gives you money in exchange. You dont want to live like that having done it 20 to 25 years already. Concept of time millionaire

20. Hope people found this one adding some value.Bottom line is in 20 years you break even. Working there after is following Law of diminishing returns.

a) Lot of people have shown curiousity in knowing me.
I will like to keep a barrier and not make it personal.

b) For now saying I am one of you may be sufficient.  Who I am may not help any. What I have to say may help. So lets concentrate on that.

c) In para 16 (a) above BBHG is Bas Bahut Ho Gaya.

Pls dont make calls. In case of query pls connect only by whatsapp.

I may also not answer any individual query but include most as part in my next one.

This was second in the series. I think it will require minimum 7 to cover all aspects.


Sip your Whisky nice & slow

Sip your whiskey,
nice and slow,
No one ever knows
when it’s time to go,
There’ll be no time
to enjoy the glow,
So sip your whiskey
nice and slow.

Life is too short but
feels pretty long,
There’s too much to do and so much going wrong,
Most of the time you struggle to be strong,
Before it’s too late
and it’s time to go,
Sip your whiskey
nice and slow.

Some friends stay,
others go away,
Loved ones are cherished,
but not all will stay,
Kids will grow up
and fly away,
There’s really no saying how things will go,
So sip your whiskey
nice and slow.

Just sip your whiskey
nice and slow..... Have a nice enjoyable weekend.

Drunk test


1. Innovative
2. Preliminary
3. Proliferation
4. Cinnamon


1. Specificity
2. Anti-constitutionalistically
3. Passive-aggressive disorder
4. Transubstantiate


1. No thanks, I’m married.
2. Nope, no more booze for me!
3. Sorry, but you’re not really my type.
4. No thanks, I’m not hungry.
5. I’m not interested in fighting you.
6. Thank you, but I won’t make any attempt to dance. I have no coordination and would hate to look like a real Fool!
7. Oh no, I must be going home now as I have to work in the morning.

*Words damn easy to say when drunk*
1. I love you.
2. Will you marry me.
3. Tu mera bhai hai, bhai.
4. Kal se daru band.
5. One for the road. Last peg.

*Words to say in the morning.*
1. I was a little high, but in my senses.
2. I think it was nakli whisky.
3. Someone spiked my drink.
4. Starters kam the, is liye....

Retirement planning - Article 4 - by Amit Sangwan

Article 4

11May 19

BY Amit Sangwan

I am shifting from the term PMR to a more broadbase one of retirement to include superannuating officers and ssc officers. Also the PMR thing was becoming a bit negative. Having re read my own articles i felt unintentional  message of leaving fauj was going.That was never the aim.  So I am doing a course correction. Henceforth things will be more factual and academic. How you use it is individual choice. Also read the following with a pragmatic approach because most of it may not sound nice initially.Second read it may  will sink in .

1. NFU

(a) Too much unnecessary hue and cry in Fauji circles about this. In civil services one retires at 60 years. Promotion avenues always open there. Not restricted to 3 boards.In armed forces an officer may miss all 3 boards before 40 years of age. So even thinking and comparing with civil services is foolishness.What people want is having missed their  Col board they should get General sahab pay because they think in civil its happening that way.

(b) I will attempt to clear it.Not many have attempted before. Great risk of being trolled by your own.

(c) As per NFU ,officers 2 years senior in service automatically get finiancial upgrade when an IAS of particular batch (2 yrs junior) picks a promotion. Like joint secretary at 17 years. So all Gp A at 19 will pick.

(d) But for that you have to be one rank lower. So a Col who has missed all his boards will pick brig nfu when his coursemate has been brig for 2 years.This is how it will come if ever it comes. Similarly a brig will get nfu for major general when his coursemate has been major general for 2 years.

(e) For Lt Col it will be 2 years later so instead of 26 years it will come to 20 or 21 years. Now when their coursemates become brig ,these lt col will not get brig nfu 2 years later because you have to be one rank lower to get next nfu.Not 2.

(f) In civil services that is never an issue because officers are not sealed at a particular rank. Plus residual service is so much invariably slowly they keep rising and most retire at HAG if not HAG plus.

My take on issue is
Do not waste time and energy on this.It comes under gambit of Garib mindset.Something I will delve later on. Its interpretation and implementation not under our control . Time  and energy limited .Spend them on thinking bigger things.


(a) Similar lines as above, another energy sucker and hope finisher  word.

(b) Orop will not affect post 2016 retirees. A Colonel  of 20 years will have basic pay X. Colonel of 32 years service will have basic Y. So whoever retires as Col at 20 yrs his pension will be same as that Col who retired 4 yrs back at same 20 years.Same case for 32 years superannuating ones at 54 years.

(c) So till time , terms of service dont change orop requirement will not kick in. Example now Lt  col becomes in 13 years. Earlier TS  Lt  Col was 21 years. So 8 increments difference created anamoly between pre 2006 and post ones.

(d) Also it needs to be noted that a Col retiring at 54 years will have higher pension than one Col retiring at 20 years  because his basic pay is higher by 12 increments. Orop has no role to play  in it. So rumour and fear being spread that you will lose out because of orop is wrong.

(e) But 20 years Col is getting 1 cr benefit on retirement. If he continues for 12 more years retirement benefit will be 1.5 cr.But 1 cr of 2019 inflation and growth rate adjusted ( hurdle rate 9 percent) in 2031 will be 2.5 cr . So how do you account for this 1 cr loss. Growing at 8 to 9 percent is not difficult. Also 7th pay commission is last one.Now DA will merge with basic.Factor same for serving and pensioners.

My take is endlessly discussing and being fascinated by Orop not required.Technically there may still exist an anamoly of 2 to 3k between pension because of something called bunching up of pay scale in 7th  pay commission . Where in 2 to 3 courses draw same basic. But will you devote your life to it. Remember 2 courses out of 3 would actually gain from it. Only a particular course will lose out. Too much fighting for not understood causes will result in government reducing pension for the 2 courses. No one will gain. Phir atma main sukoon aa jayega. We faujis are masters in doing such stuff.

3. Commutation

Whether to commute or not commute is the  question

(a) Instead of a straight forward answer i will list conditions when you should commute. So people can make a choice.

(b)  Commutation calculation i have explained in previous article. Basically its loan of 45 lakh for 20 yr lt col for 15 years at 8 percent. Given to government at 8 percent if you dont commute. 8 percent is what you get. Every one more  year of servive put amount increases by 2.85  percent ( increment of 3 percent  only on basic  pay and not on msp.But for pension msp taken)

(c) Commute the pension if

(i) You can grow commuted money more than 8 percent.

(ii) If you have a pending loan of above 15 lakh. If loan is at 9 percent returning it from commuting amount is equivalent of earning 9 percent. Dont think of tax rebate on loan here(its restricted to 60 k only).

(iii) You are emotionally stable and can say no to any  relative who wants to take this amount as loan.

(iv) You are sure no impulsive buying will be done by you.

(v) You are sure of picking up a job.If you dont commute that added pension will attract 31 percent tax. Commuted amount does not attract tax . It can be invested in adult kids or wife name. The return on that will not attract much tax.

(vi) You are financially wise. You can invest and earn more than 10 percent.

My take on commutation

If your retirement PF is like 70 to 80 lakhs or more and you dont know how to handle money please don't commute. Because nobody will cheat you of extra 50k per month. But extra 50 lac is a sweet target. If you are below 45 repay loan if any.For senior superannuating guys dont commute.

4. Mindset regarding money

(a) Retirement benefit of 1 to 1.25 cr and a PF of 1 cr is making people jittery.
Reaction is of panic.Like murder ho gaya hai aur laash(this 2 crore corpus)  kaise thikane lagayi jaye.

(b) Bas koyi bata de ki kitna FD kitna Mf kitna post office kitna yeh aur kitna woh.

(c) Then we will ask is it safe. Returns 12 percent .R u sure.

(d) We faujis are toughest to give advise to and most demanding. Always skeptical.  But despite all this bewakoof bhi sabse pehle and sabse jyaada fauji ka hi banta hai.
Name any ponzi scheme city limousine kinds and sizeable fauji will be there  .We just escaped sharda scam because fauj is less in west bengal.

(e) Reason for above mindset is we faujis have victim mindset. That we are somehow missing out on oppurtunities and  people in civil have better chances of making money. This fear of missing out (FOMO) makes us  commit such mistakes.

(f) Garib mindset

When you train your mind to think of ration money and orop thing  or managing guest rooms, then you are restricting it to few thousands.  Doesn't help.

(g)  We are afraid to take PMR because you dont know your worth outside.
But how will you know what happens outside when in the limited 7 to 10 days when you go on vacation , you want to stay in a fauji set up.Fauji guest room. Why not a 5 star hotel or resort. Hope people dont get offended by this. Just trying to bring a point.If u dont expose yourself n kids to different rich environment ,how will you know how things operate there.

5. Actionable points

(a) Please get out of
Sab Mauj Main Aur Hum Fauj Main mindset.
Self pity never helps.

(b) Dont waste energies on nfu orop and fighting civil servant lobby. We are better than them chant doesnt help.We have a role to play. They have a role to play. Whining constantly will make  you feel like a rondumal.

(c)  Dont buy cars worth 16 lakh if u ever want to leave early. Its not living life. Will do  a small piece on this.

(d) Read book Intelligent Investor by graham.

I will do that 10 percent thing.But after some time.1 month.

Before that certain tools to deal and understand money have to be taught.
My understanding people here not comfortable with thinking about money.1 cr or 2 cr appears to be a lot. This is small amount when you think 20 years hence.


1. When one does resettlement course at IIM confidence comes. Reason is there they talk in crores. Normally hundred of crores. Refreshing change from speculating whether ration per day should be 97 rs or 207 rs.

2. Phone calls to me have reduced which is a relief. Any doubt in this one you can post a query.

3. If anything written above hurt anybody s sensibilities than i am not sorry as it was intentional. To expose yourself to larger possibilities which life holds.

4. Its ironical that

Baharwale ( civilians) Fauj Main Aane Se Darte Hain (marne ka darr) .
Aur Fauji Bahar Jaane (retirement) Se darte hain (jeene ka darr).

5. People who have the talent and courage to face death should also develop talent and courage to face life.

More on this how to achieve this tangibly in real world in next one.

Pls continue on this journey of trying to live a purposeful life.


PMR Misconceptions Article 3 - by Amit Sangwan

PMR -  Misconceptions, Fears, Go-No Go Criterion  and Some Tips

Article number 03 in PMR series by
Amit Sangwan

1. I have recieved a lot of feedback and queries for previous two articles. Will try to address most of them here. Please save these articles. Re read them. Once the series of seven over , full clarity on subject will emerge.

2. The Equation :-

S - T- A- B - C - D = P + R

(i)  Where S is your total monthly salary . Left side of payslip.

(ii)   T is tax per month which goes to government.

(iii) A is agis subscription
(iv) B is average monthly loss you incur because of  extra travel expense  associated with uncertainities of service life. Also add your daily commute for work expense in this.

(v) C social mandatory expenses for obligatory parties , mess bills, travel for parents health ,marriages etc

(vi) D is extra cost of running 2 establishments because of field postings.All this is average per month. This will also include your commuted amount divided by 15 (approx 3000 rs )

(vii) P is pension per month. How you calculate this. Your basic salary is at 20 yrs is 147500 and Msp is 15500.
So total is 163000 rs.
Pension becomes 50 percent of this. ie 81500.
This is called basic basic pension is 81500.
50 percent of this gets 40750.
Depending on your  age commutation factor is there.say about 9.1 for 42 year means commutation amount will be 9.1x12 (months)×40750=45 lakhs.
Residual pension is basic pension minus commuted pension ie 81500 minus 40750 =40750.
Pension in bank is residual pension plus DA on 81500.
So if DA is 20 percent then
Pension going in bank is 40750 plus .2x81750=57000.

(viii) R is 10 percent return on retirement corpus which is namely
Leave encashment
Agis survival benefit.
It does not include PF.

3.  I have summarised my article 2 in above equation. In future context i will refer to it as The Equation. If you understand this equation, then confusion about future after PMR will reduce drastically.

4. Again putting in words, essence of equation is that after 20 years financially there is no difference whether you work on not.

5. Misconceptions and Fears
During the feed back of previous articles I encountered following

(a) My qualification is just BA

How does it make a difference. Refer Equation. No difference it makes.You can afford to sit at home and do nothing. I am not advocating that you actually dont do anything.But there is no fire.

(b) I am worried for my kids education

How is it linked to PMR. In fact if you are really worried then instead of going to field and leaving all burden on your wife ,you make take PMR and be with your kids.This way you will be there to guide and help them.

(c) I dont know what job i will get or which courses should I or something else.I have done from symbiosis

The problem with most ex nda(dont troll me .i am also one) is that they have not seen failure and struggle.Because just after 12th they have become c/o 56 APO.
Mba wont help unless from IIM or ISB.
But why in 40 s you want to struggle again.When will you live.

(d) My coursemate or unit type has promised ki adm offr ko itna ho jayega

Please dont rely on all this.Never works that way.Your friend is not sure of his next months pay.Only if your close friend is running his own venture, then it has some meaning.

6 . The Go-No Go Criterion

Pilots may understand above.
For rest following 3 issues  should be clear or sorted out before you put your PMR application. If not than as per me it wont be a smooth transition and not advisable

(a) City or town where you will stay should be decided beforehand.

People will ask how can I do this.I dont know where my job may be. Answer is for the benefit and safety of the equation to kick in this has be known.This can be hometown where parents house is there or city where you own a property in which you will go. It is possible this may be a city where you do not own a property and will stay on rent.But then you should own a property (1 or 2)  somewhere else which will pay for this property ka rent. If you cant satisfy this condition dont leave.

(b) Wife fully on board with the decision of PMR

Depending on how successful your career is going, ladies do enjoy lot of comfort and khushi time in fauj. Whether its sahayak or may be a cook driver etc or the general safety net of fauj. She may actually not feel your angst of stagnating.
Some may not want to relocate to in laws place.
Some may be happy with arrangement of you being in field and she teaching in army school. She visiting you for 2 months.You visiting her for 2 months. Her parents visiting her for 2 months.And she not seeing your parents at all.
This arrangement is heaven for her. So discuss and discuss load sharing after retirement with her. Otherwise you will be the sahayak.Wont feel nice especially if you have commanded a unit.
She may not allow your leaving the fauj .
Dangers of above arrangement of you staying away is that man is reduced to being Atm.
Your sex life finished. Children and family get used to staying without you.
After some times tolerating you for 2 months leave will become difficult for them. Basically you will lose control of family.All this happens very slowly and is not easily discernible.
Please remember the equation at top has been understood by many before all of you trading this article but still people continue like zombies because of this important reason.
If your wife is domineering and you are in this situatoon then you  wont be able to leave .she will throw 20 conditions at you like show me the job before leaving.let kid finish his 12th.Let this tenure finish.Lets see next posting. You go to port blair. We will retain accomadation here and we will get island allowance.dont worry we will visit you for 2 months there.
You do qualification first.
I may be the only expert in the country to get fauji men out of this peculiar situation.If you do require help pls send query.

(c) Alcohol

If you drink daily and look forward to excuses to party and celebrate than pls dont leave.Because these habits can work in fauj not outside.
As a test leave alcohol for 3 months.If you succeed than go ahead put up PMR.
Why i am making an issue of this seemingly normal thing is that when you leave things may not be rosy in short term and being a habitual drinker you may tip to other side of being heavy drinker.Because definately when you leave a job self esteem issues kick in and with combination of a kaleshi wife it can become dangerous.

7. Actionable points

(a) wife s role is crucial. She should pick a job in your selected city. Teacher job with 30 to 45 k salary good enough.

(b) Select the city first and then the job in that place  only.Not vice versa.

(c) City should have some connection.For south indians Chennai , Bangalore, Hyderabad or Kochi. North indian Delhi Gurgaon  or Chandigarh. Pune or MMR for Marathi guys. Staying in a city very culturally different is not enjoyable in long run. Remember here its for long haul. Not 2 year tenure.

(d) Please carry out test whether you are alcohol dependent or not by leaving for 3 months.

8.  Before taking plunge sort out above issued.There is per se no finiancial risk.  It's more of  a mental thing. Also dont be desperate in seeking any job which comes your way. Take 6 months off. Figure out things.(On these things is article no. 5 especially for infantry guys who always feel overwhelmed vis a vis the techies)
Spend time with parents. If you are sainik school type it would be more than 33 years since you left them. Watch your kids grow. Let memsahib do the job and bring in the moolah .Enjoy role reversal for 6 months. Encourage her to do her own thing. Remember her energy and enthusiasm levels normally will be higher than yours since you have just stopped chakki peesing after 25  (training included).

9. Next article  will be on utilising retirement corpus.

10. Hoping people get essence of above and some points resonate with them.


1. When I wrote in last article no calls please only connect by whatsapp what i meant was whatsapp message not whatsapp video calls.😂

2. I am an introvert person. Also please stop speculating which arm I am from. I can say I am a fauji kid. Father retd Col from infantry.Ok take some more Punjab regiment.

3. My interest lies primarily in financial planning, numeralogy , marriage counselling and career planning for kids.

4. My idea is to offer mental models which can be used as tools to navigate the maze of life. Like a carpenter or plumber uses tools to do jobs . These tools will not only solve the problem but most likely dissolve them also.

5. So tool for today

Never Ever Compare Your Worst With Anybody Else ' s Best.It Will Only Lead To Misery.


(i) His wife is prettier than mine.But you may not know the pretty lady doesnt know how to cook and keeps the house in a mess compared to jannat your wife has made for you.

(ii) Faujis are disadvantaged vis a vis ias
Do u know they have 40 postings in 20 years ,with mind boggling public dealing at cost of personal time and can be suspended at drop of hat.Also if they are so good please make your kids  ias.

(iii) I have a Xuv 500 he has a Mercedes .

Probanly he is in debt for the car and you habe 40 lakh worth of shares in your demat account.
