Monday, January 7, 2019

Sarcastic facts based on solid logic

1.   The past tense of fit is fat.

2.   An infinite number of $1 bills and $20 bills are worth the same.

3.   If your parachute doesn’t deploy, you have _the rest of your life_ to fix it!

4.   The average human lifespan is 70 years equals to 2.2 billion seconds. There are 7.5 billion people on Earth. So technically every person is not even worth a second of your time.

5.   The sentence “Don’t objectify women” has _women_ as _the object_ of the sentence.

6.   You cannot make History if you use Incognito Mode.

7.   We pay taxes on money we earn to pay taxes on money we spend.

8.   No matter how good you are, you can always be replaced.

9.   Pizza is the real-time pie chart of how much pizza is left.

10.  There is a tree out there that is growing out there _for your coffin_.

11.   If you cut off your left arm then _your right arm would be left_.

12.   The ability to speak several languages is an asset, but _the ability to keep your mouth shut in any language_ is _priceless_.

13.   No matter how strong a mathematician or guesser you are, but  can you guess the ending digits of *pi*?

14.   100 years ago the rich owned the cars while the poor had horses. Now everyone has a car while only the rich own horses.

15.   People say _marriage is forever._ but actually _divorce_ is forever!

16.   There’s no physical evidence to say that today is Tuesday. We just have to trust someone who kept the count since the very first day.

17.   Cows are so calm and happy because their favourite food is on the ground all the time. Imagine walking on pizzas all day.

18.  The Wright Brothers were responsible for 9/11 too.

19.   We spend five days a week pretending to be someone else in order to spend two days being who we are.

20. Whenever you register a username, you are disappointing someone in the future.

21.   Internet connects people at a long distance and disconnects people at a short distance.

22.  Someone has _your_ dream job but hates going to work every day.

23.  Alcohol is a solution!

24.  Cells divide to multiply.

25.  If you beat your own record, you’re both a winner and a loser.

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