Preparing for PMR - Finiancial Aspects and some more
By Amit Sangwan
1. I write this with some nervousness as the earlier one has recieved overwhelming response. This article is for finiancial orientation of officers who for whatever reasons have opted for PMR. It is on lines of presentations one goes after applying for PMR. It is not meant for the stars. Also it is not meant to motivate officers to leave. Thats a personal call and everybody is presumably mature enough.
2. Now having written what it is not meant to do, I will tell what it intends to do. Give some clarity and confidence to officers who are on verge of retirement for whatever reason they may have taken it for. Give them options. Soothe the nerves and anxiety.
3. This one will require 2nd order thinking and some strain on brain . Please dont read it after you are down two or more pegs. As you wont understand much and and evening may get spoilt.
4. It may hurt or break some long held belief systems .That can cause pain. But may also give you new insights.
5. The money part is most important in this decision making. What I will write is after 20 years one can safely leave with the premise that you will not earn or do work at all.
6. Example is for a Officer leaving on 01 Aug 2020 after 20 years. Why 01 Aug. Because as per me its best date. You have just taken the increment for the year. Settled family 4 months back ie 01 apr for children new session.
7. So example date is 01 Aug 2020 for Lt Col of 20 yrs service. Others may adjust for their rank and service .Template remains same.
8. Salary of Lt Col on 01 Aug 2020 @20 yrs@20 percent DA will be 2 lac may 10 k more depending on place ,tpt allowance etc.
Take home after tax 158 to 160 k.
After AGIS and some other cutting about 150 k.
I am treating PF subscription as pay only.
9. Practically about 140k to 120 k goes into bank with which you live your life. You pay your bills, fees,emi etc with this.
Not only that you also save part of it into mutual fund sip, cash for buying. So your actual expenditure may vary from 60k to 90k. Somebody may have PF subscription as 50k or 60k. Getting 80k as take home and spending 60 to 70 k. This will depend where you stay and what stage children are at.
10. Some getting HRA would be actually spending that much on rent so that is taken care of. Main takeaway is that it is that 140 k which runs your life.
11. Your Pension after commutation will be 57k on 01 aug 2020. Lumpsum other than your pf will be 1 cr. 10 percent return on this per year is 10 lakh or 83k per month. So you get 57k plus 83 k ie 140k.
Same 140k which was running your life.
12. Now question comes how that 10 percent. Who will give. Is it safe.No you cant get it.This 10 percent thing is a big article in itself (4th one in series). Right now take my word for it. Also remember this all 83k will not come as liquid cash to you per month. Only a part of it. But then go above again . Were you using your entire 140 k? No. So liquid cash required out of 83 k may be just 33k. As 57 k plus 33k ie 90k is sufficient to run a household.
13. So take away till now is that you dont have to fret how you will manage.
I have not taken into consideration what assets you may have, Rental income, Spouse income , Parental support , your own PF. These all are additional security cover.
14. My submission is that ,considering only cash flow , if you take PMR everything remains same.
Now the benefits are following :-
a) When a officer retires at 42 years, his pension gets restored to full after 15 at 57 years.
b) This way its a gain of 3000 per year till 15 years.your 41 k spread over 15.
c) If an officer retires at 57 years his pension is full at 72 years.If one lives till 80 years you get full for 23 years. In other case it is only 8 yrs.
d) Some will say if you retire later your pension will be more, retirement benefits more than why not continue? Lets do the maths for that also.
(i) Salary increase happening per year is 4.5 percent. Net of tax it is 3 percent. Retirement benefits will increase by 2.5 percent.
It is nett of increase in leave encashment because basic pay and DA has increased. Commutation factor will decrease with age however basic pay has increased so it will still increase but slower rate. Gratuity will peak at 20 lakh. So no gain with service there.
(ii) So from above pension increase is about 2.5 percent of 1 cr lumpsum ie 2.5 lakh and pay increase of 3 percent ie 75 k yearly. So you gain is 3.25 lakh per year if you continue one more year. Now the catch.
(iii) Something called inflation which the government says is 5 percent.But that includes 400 items of common man.Actual affecting us is minimum 7 percent. So if you recieve a crore a year later its worth 93 lakhs.7 lakh loss this nett loss 7 minus 3.25 ie 3.75 lakh or 30 k a month or 1000 rs a day.
(e) All will notice that the way DA is calculated now increase will be less. Lower strata of society will do catch up.
15. So now how do we proceed ahead. From above its clear that finiancially its not that advantageous to stay. So what actually makes us confused, jittery and anxious when the decision time comes.
16. Some psychological reasons as below:-
a) First of all there is some negativity inbuilt in word PMR or PSS .The word premature whether in Premature baby or premature ejaculation is problematic one. Name change to voluntary retirement may help. In this one also retirement word is bad. But better than PMR.
May be BBHG would be better.
b) All our military lives we or say most of us live with a notion that we are superior to civilians. That bloody civilian approach. Now prospect of joining these bloody civilian or working under them will naturally scare your subconscious mind. Some will choose to superannuate and do re employment of 4 years.Fight for all possible causes and then continue the tirade against civilians till death.
c) You can not start a conversation with civilians like when we were at Wellington or when I was commanding that unit. Nobody there is interested in what you were. They cant distinguish between a Army or navy Capt. Your course grading of no use there.
d) Outside your fauji junior may get a better pay package than you. That is also scary. I know people arguing I am full colonel how my pay can be less than Lt Col.
e) You actually dont know what you are worth. Retired fauji known guy unless extremely close will only confuse further not help.
17. Now how we reduce the anxiety. See the reason you are leaving may be that juniors have become senior and you dont want to sir them. But being desperate and joining anything is no solution.There you may end up madaming a 10 year younger IIM female. Please dont judge me here. Just trying to drive home a point.
18. So how to exactly go about selecting what to do after leaving to have a balanced peaceful purposeful life will form core of my next article.
19. Just a hint for what to look in that one.
After leaving fauj dont sell your time to earn. What does that mean is, you sell 40 hrs a week to someone with 15 hrs commute added and he gives you money in exchange. You dont want to live like that having done it 20 to 25 years already. Concept of time millionaire
20. Hope people found this one adding some value.Bottom line is in 20 years you break even. Working there after is following Law of diminishing returns.
a) Lot of people have shown curiousity in knowing me.
I will like to keep a barrier and not make it personal.
b) For now saying I am one of you may be sufficient. Who I am may not help any. What I have to say may help. So lets concentrate on that.
c) In para 16 (a) above BBHG is Bas Bahut Ho Gaya.
Pls dont make calls. In case of query pls connect only by whatsapp.
I may also not answer any individual query but include most as part in my next one.
This was second in the series. I think it will require minimum 7 to cover all aspects.